Sorry for not writing on this for the past ... 2 weeks? Life in Alanya is pretty terrible.
IT IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. So basically I live in a resort town right along the mediterranean sea (tough life) The logman (our apartment building) is up on this horrific hill that leads up to the old castle dating back to the 13th century. The villa, where we take our classes and have our meals, is an even farther hike up that hill. In the heat, as much as this place is breathtaking, it. is. rough. So hopefully, the weather will cool down sometime in the next month so I don't feel like I'm going to die every time I go to school. Did I mention you take a short-cut through the forest?
Interesting Things I have done in the past two weeks...
if you look closely, the castle walls run along the top.
yeah, I climbed that... |
1. Climbed down most of the castle wall right along the Med; again, thought I was going to die, but survived - 10 points for gryffindor - and the views were insane. There is this one part on the hill that reaches out into the sea where an old monastery is. How the monks used to get to that place without tumbling to an instant death is beyond me, but the ruins are fun to see.
2. Started my Turkish lessons. Mehmet Bey is our professor, he's about 5'4' on a good day, but is the nicest man. He deals with our poor pronunciation and attempts to give us useful phrases to converse with the local people. Learning a new language after 16 years is hard...but I can say that I am very tired/very hungry/very beautiful/ and a diligent student. A+
3. Had class in the villa finally! The villa is amazing. As I said before, it's further up the hill, which, while you're walking to class is no fun, but the views from the villa are unreal. You look out onto the bay and our 'classroom' has windows on three sides to let you see the view all the time. And by 'classroom' I mean 3 walls of couches and you get to get cozy and comfortable. I suggest Georgetown takes note and installs some new classrooms like this back on campus. Hussein Bey is our cook at the villa and he makes our lunches and dinners. He is an amazing cook. Two people sign up for meals to help him each week, so Alison and I were first on duty for lunch last week. This was before our Turkish was any good (not that mine has improved) but it was a bit of a struggle to communicate with him; He smiled and nodded and so did we, so it all worked out wonderfully. Emel Hanim is the woman who organizes our life; sweetest woman; and we have the same conversation every time I get in the door. Hello, How are you, fine thank you and you? fine. And then I run out of things to say and have to scurry away before things get awkward...
The Cave we swam in. SO COOL. |
4. Took a boat trip around Alanya. This might have been my favorite 'field trip' so far. First of all, it counted as a field trip. We spent the entire afternoon out in the sun on a boat, got to jump off and go cliff-diving and cave swimming and swimming in the middle of the sea. HOW IS THAT A FIELD TRIP? I have no complaints and hope that we have more excursions like this in the future. Favorite part: We saw a sea turtle. I want one, sorry leo, but I have replaced you with a larger, more exotic version of yourself.
5. Met our host families! (sort of). We had a cocktail party on Friday, Sept. 24th, at the villa to meet everyone's host families. I met my host father, who doesn't speak a word of English, and I, as you can tell, am not the best conversationalist in Turkish. So there were lots of smiles and nods and then somehow we both realized that this was took awkward and went our separate ways. I do have a host mom and sister that apparently speak some English, so this will be good. I can practice a bit of Turkish and I can still have the safety net of English - lord knows I need it. *I also got to be DJ for a little bit, taking the reigns from Kahraman (our turkish professor) who insisted that we play Seal and Red Hot Chili Peppers all night long...
6. Went to Konya! Konya is a city about 6 hours away from Alanya through the mountains. We went there to see the whirling dervishes perform and to see some mosques (shocker). The ride down was pretty cramped and took 8 hours instead because we got to stop at the archaeological site, Catalhoyuk. This site dates back to 9000BC and we got to see part of the village that they had excavated. Gramma - I thought of you the entire time. After the detour, we made it to the city and got to stretch our legs before going over to the venue for the Dervishes. The performance was amazing; these men (and in our case, a 4-5 year old boy was thrown into the mix) are able to spin without spotting and with their eyes close for a straight hour and not get dizzy. The whole performance was magic, with the reed flutes playing, and the twirling, and the singing. I suggest everyone see a performance sometime in their life - Turkey for thanksgiving anyone? On Sunday, we woke up early and went and saw a few mosques, some madrases (schools for Islamic learning), before heading back on the bus to Alanya. A rough few days, seeing that half of our group was dying of fever/exhaustion/what have you, but the dervishes were worth it.
7. And my favorite, WENT TO THE BEACH! The beach is amazing, although flooded with large Germans and Russians who should not be traipsing around in bikinis. But it is surreal to be able to go down to the beach in the morning, enjoy the sun and a dip in the Mediterranean before heading up to class. Every time I'm floating in the middle of the sea, I think to myself, THIS IS MY STUDY ABROAD?! Its overwhelming and wonderful and I think everyone should go to turkey on their study abroad - Julia this means you. (although the cat-calling can become quite annoying, but a host brother of a friend told me how I can shut them up so I look forward to trying that out...)
8. Met Bill Bey! Andria would probably kill me if she ever saw this blog and included Bill Bey in it, but Bill is her fiance and he came to visit and came to Konya with us and it was so exciting to meet him! Yes, I realize I am a creep, but they are the best. If only they would break down and invite me to the wedding...I still have hope, the semester is young.
gule gule!